Thursday, August 17, 2006

Sweeney Todd: The Movie (of the musical?)

Seriously, check this link out. I mean this is there sixth time together. COME ON! I can see Johnny Depp playing every role in a Tim Burton Movie. If Pirates 2 has anything to do with it.

Ok heres how it's gonna go down. 13 year old girls will see the movie because it's Johnny Depp. They will then be horrified at the violence and kill abunch of hookers.

In a related Story Tim Burton decides to only make movies starring Johnny Depp. Film at eleven.

1 comment:

The Pizza Company said...

At leaset Depp will be a better Sweeney Todd than Ben Affleck, the worst father ever.


-The Pizza Guy

Oh and why ain't you linking back to da pizza co? We link to you. Bad Form, Pan!