Wednesday, August 16, 2006

J-Tim has Justified his genius

Justin, my dawg, my main man. I can do the robot with JT. He is not a fan of that old guy who won American Idol. All I can say is He knows everything. More evidence. I mean come on. Do you like Taylor Hicks? Is he all that? Justin had this to say:

"People think he looks so normal, and he's so sweet and he's so earnest, but he can't carry a tune in a bucket," Timberlake told Fashion Rocks, a supplement of Vanity Fair. Timberlake also thinks that Hicks' fame is fragile. "If [Hicks] has any skeletons whatsoever, if God forbid, he's gay, and if all these people in Mississippi who voted for him are like [then he takes on a thick southern accent], 'Oh my god, I voted for a queer!' It's just too much pressure."

I'm assuming JT was using a voice robot and the quote went more like this:

"People think he looks so normal, YEAH and he's so sweet YEAH and he's so earnest,YEAH, so Taylor go head be gone with it. You ain't bringing sexy back. YEAH. Take it to the point. If [Hicks] has any skeletons whatsoever, if God forbid, he's gay, like Lance, and if all these people in Mississippi who voted for him are like [then he takes on a thick southern accent], 'Oh my god, I voted for a queer!' It's just too much pressure. BUEME!"

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