Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Rap? Check. Acting? Check

Ok. This post is all about Mr. I can do it with enough money and a hot famous wife. K-Fed, The FedTASTIC rapper has accomplished his phase 1 and phase 2. Now it's on to phase 3; acting. Don't look so bummed all you little children out there on the interweb. KFed is best known for his acting role in You got served as Dancer. Yeah He's that good. Some might now him behind the camera for his, beautiful and orignal work in "Britney & Kevin: Chaotic". Or some might know him as that asshole who sucks at life with everything he does, and uses Brittney like a piggy bank.... no wait it IS the last one. Phase 1 was marry a celeb who was dumb and rich. Check. Phase 2, Become the worlds greatest rapper. Check. Phase 3? Acting MuthaF*cker. I'm sure KFed will be an excellent Host fr the Kids Choice Awards, after all he is a clown and come on kids love people with the same intellegence as they have. However he got an ACTING ROLE. According to sources. He has got a sweet new role in CSI. I think it's maybe like CSI: Retard, or CSI: Vancuver. Federline syas
"This is pretty much my first time acting. It's the first time I've actually had a speaking role." "I was doing stuff for the Teen Choice Awards," he says, "and got the call while we were rehearsing and I pissed in my pants! I was excited right off the bat. It's the only show that I really, really watch."
The only way his role would be good is if Kfed was playing a golddigger trying to make it in hollywood, or a Dancer.

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