Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Potter Fans Piss and Moan & That Makes Me Glad

Ok I'm thinking I hate Harry Potter fanatics. It's a looong movie, so of course stuff has to get cut out. Harry Potter Fans, Trekies, Star Wars Geeks, and Lord of the Ringers. I mean ok Not all are bad, but when a slight change is made to their movie they cry. Cry like the little 7 year old girl they are ( well at least mentally). Before My Young Citizens of the interweb get all up-ity at me let me clarify. I mean FANATICS. Not Fans. Now, I may be a muggle, but this is how I define Fanatics. They get all pissed when thier costume they ordered on ebay does not come with real magic wands, because they invested all of their lif in a magical world THAT DOESN'T EXIST. OOOh look at me I'm a wizard. Flapshapin shine. I cast a Magical Spelll. OHHHHHHHH. I fly on a broom and play Quiditch... Oh wait They're cutting that out of this movie. I'm going to go cry under a rock till my mom bakes me cookies and I can play with my colllectables. Their not DOLLLS!! STOP IT! BOO HOO.

1 comment:

The Pizza Company said...

Well its all ok because the guy who plays Harry is going to be sucking horse dick on the London stage. Take that you wizard-loving cockfags.