Monday, August 04, 2008

Sequel Time

With the all the success of sequels from movies from long ago such as; the Star Wars prequels, Indiana Jones, Rocky, and Rambo, and even the non success of Starship Troopers 3, The Lost Boys: The Tribe, and The Mummy 3 we are beginning to see the new trend. Sequels are nothing new, but Hollywood has been pushed into overload. Please ignore movies such as the Dark Knight and Transporter 3, as these movies are sequels to movies that have occurred recently.
The point I'm trying to get at is What movies are next. We know tr2n, Ace Ventura Jr or Something, and Terminator Salvation is next, but whats after that. Let's take a look to a list of movies I think Hollywood could/should/or will make.

Top Gun 2: 2 Top 2 Gun
In this movie Tom Cruise is an instructor at the same fighter pilot school, who must deal with a new hot shot who has a lot to learn about teamwork and writing checks his ass can cash.

Ferris Bueller's Day Off Work: Legend of Sloane's Gold
In this movie Ferris Bueller takes a day off work and plays hookey. He goes around pretending to be The sausage King of Chicago, while constantly talking to the camera and pondering his next step in life.

The Karate Kid Goes to Mars.
In this movie theres some kid who is bullied and he/she is trained in order to understand discipline and defend themselves. Then he/she is transported to Mars in order to fight in an intergalactic tournament to prevent Earth from being blown up.

The Hunt for Red November
In this movie there is a submarine that has been traveling the world for 20 years... and it's ... uhhh a secret soviet ship, yeah and it doesn't realize the cold war is over. So like a united collation force must stop it from bringing back Communism.

Even Truer Lies
Ok, so Arnold Schwarzenegger is in a Post 9/11 world as a Spy/Governor who must stop Terrorists and punch Osamba Bin Laden ( as played by Vin Diesel) in the face.

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