Monday, February 12, 2007

The Return



Hopefully I will actually update, school kinda was taking priority to the blog. So Let's look at the Grab bag and see what we have:

Nicolas Cage:
Because of a certain new movie, which seems to have the sole purpose of stepping on my dreams, I will step on Nicolas Cage's Bad acting. Please If your name is Kal-El, and you are NOT a super powered alien, whose parents sent you to Earth, so you could live, and your dad is Marlon Brando, this isn't for you.

excuse me while I wave my hands around and go "ahh ahh ah"

Cage is well known for his break out role Brad's Bud. This was truly the peak of his acting career. His Rotten Tomato meter is less than Hugh Grant. LESS THAN. ( Well I figured I would compare the two, since they both play the same character over and over again.)

But all is not lost. You may be going " Wait Rob, Nicolas Cage can't be all bad. He is Coppola." I would say. You are right. How can you tell if your watching one of the few good movies in his collection. Easy. If Nicolas Cage isn’t in a movie with real Navy SEALs, reference Rocket Man, involve Sean Connery, features a finale in which he is flung through the air involving an explosion ( wait scratch that last one) then you are watching a good movie. If Nicolas Cage is fighting Wes Bentley as a superhero, which makes you long for the days of Billy Zane as The Phantom, or Eric Bana as a poorly done Shrek, I have the feeling you should get your money back.

Anyway, here is a little something for you

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